Taking Note of the Everyday

April 4, 2011 § Leave a comment

How we use words is important in marketing and any kind of business communication.  Tone, length, word choice, and selection of information all play a role in getting your message across.

There are learning moments all around us, in everyday experiences. Pick any type of written communication.  Is it effective?  Why?

If your spouse wanted you to buy milk on the way home from work, which note would work better:  “Get milk.” or “Honey, we need milk; will you please pick some up?” They have the same clear goal, but the tones are very different.  One is a terse directive, as to a subordinate; the other makes a request, as to a partner.

Think of a thank you note or sympathy message that particularly touched you.  Chances are it wasn’t grand, flowery language that made an impression, but simple, straightforward words.  One sympathy note that stands out in my memory had very few adjectives.  Instead of describing the loved one as smart and funny, it recalled a couple of specific occasions in which those characteristics were displayed.  It wasn’t sugary-sentimental but was comforting because it evoked the reality of that person.

Pay attention to the children who cross your path.  They have a naturally simple and very clear way of communicating.  Take this sign hanging on my niece’s bedroom door:

Six words, and I’ve learned three keys to an effective message:

  1. Be polite.
  2. Be clear about what you want.
  3. If you don’t get the spelling and grammar right, people may assume you couldn’t make it past the 1st grade.

It’s not hard to improve the way we communicate in the business world – sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration from outside it.

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